May 13, 2013

Arrested Development. Season 4.

Anar here...

Great NEWS! Netflix will be streaming the 4th season of the greatest TV show of All Time.

Apr 28, 2013

error MSB4044: The "CppClean" task was not given a value for the required parameter "FoldersToClean"

Anar here...

I know it can't be too late, but just in case you are converting an old VS 2008 project to VS2010 and facing this error when trying to clean your newly converted project:

error MSB4044: The "CppClean" task was not given a value for the required parameter "FoldersToClean"

...than check settings of your project. If the "Output Directory" and/or "Intermediate Directory" contain the "$(ConfigurationName)" macro, than change it to "$(Configuration)".

Simply to say, if one of those those two settings contain a macro, which return an empty or a bad result, the error will pop up.

Hope it helps!